A blog about a girl who reads a lot, talks more than she should, spends a lot of money on clothes and thinks her dog is the shit.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Road Rage
Is road rage a disorder?
Well, this disorder of mine is pretty much out of control. I tend to normally keep it pretty rational until some complete mo-ron(in my best Reba voice) completely pisses me off.
Yesterday I was heading to a softball game(where I did not strike out swinging), but I did see someone else do that( I completely felt his pain). I wasn't running late but I was on normal time of arrival given that I don't hit traffic or get behind some idiot driving slow. Like super slow. Like UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT THEREFORE IT'S SLOW!
Anyway, so I am driving behind him, going pretty slow, until I realize... WTF, WHY ARE WE GOING SO SLOW? So I go to the left to go around him and this dude decides to speed up and when I look over and realize he isn't slowing down I look over and he is waving his middle finger at me while starring at the road ahead of him. WHAT, THE, EFFFFFF?
A few things start immediately going through my head.
1.) Is he wearing headphones? (While flicking me off?) DUDE! You can't flick me off, while wearing headphones( I assume you're listening to your phone radio, because yours probably doesn't work.) I know it doesn't work because he is driving a beat up Honda which I probably wouldn't have even noticed had he not flicked me off.
2.) Is he flicking me off but can't even look my way? I mean seriously? If you want to flick me off then you better make that eye contact to make it real. Make is a firm flick off like one of those real firm hand shakes! You know!
3.) It's a real good thing I don't drive a huge truck with a grill guard on it because that recent flick off deserves a little nudge, or a simple ram into the side of his vehicle. EITHER ONE!
So then I stay right behind him, giving him the stink eye(he probably didn't even see me), and YES, I flicked him back off(because two wrongs make a right, RIGHT?) Not to mention, I begin yelling at him(as if he could hear me) and thinking to myself "I am Mexican, you messed with the wrong vato."
But I'm not really a vato. I was just bluffing. He doesn't have to know that.
Then, ironically I see that video all over Facebook of that road rage karma... (in case you haven't seen it, here it is Road Rage Karma). Anyway, after seeing that I think to myself, WHY COULDN'T THIS HAVE HAPPENED TO THAT MAN WHO JUST FLICKED ME OFF? But then I stop and think, "nahhh I really don't want that to happen to him..." I'd really just like to have a chat with the guy, let him know that he needs to be more firm with the way he flicks people off, and that I'm a crazy Mexican and that he probably shouldn't EVER do that again.(Just need to light a little fire in his YOU KNOW WHAT.)
Until my next time behind the wheel.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Bobby pin ponytail

I totally tried this the other day and it worked amazingly. Here are the steps to getting a good ponytail using a bobby pin.
Step 1. Take your hair and pull it back into a good pony tail.
Step 2. Take a thick piece of hair and start wrapping it around the hair(where normally the elastic would hold)
Step 3. Take the bobby pin and pin it underneath while grabbing the hair to hold it. You can also grab another bobby pin and make it cross the first one for a firm hold.
This is so cute! I LOVED this and will probably start wearing it like this more often.
Rue 21 coupon: You can't miss this one.
You can bet I'll be in Rue 21 this weekend with this coupon. Sometimes I swear I live for these things. I go get clothes, more coupons, spend more money but keep looking good. Ha! I'm a loyal customer not only because of their cute clothes but their amazing deals as well.
Take a screenshot of this photo and show them this at checkout. They will get the code off of it and voila!
Don't. Miss. Out!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Flats find.
Got these leopard flats for like $14 or $15 dollars on Target.com. They're super comfy. They're offering a BOGO $50 off on clothing, shoes and accessories right now. TAKE ADVANTAGE!
Maurice's BOGO:Online Only
Does anyone recognize the girl is that picture? That's Rachel Reinert from Gloriana. She is wearing a tank top that she got at Maurice's. What a better way to use a BOGO deal than to go out and get the same look as this beautiful lady. Maurice's has great prices and some super cute clothes.
Use the coupon code ALLBOGOMAR for ONLINE ONLY purchases.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
BOGO: Maurices
Maurices is offering a BOGO deal again this week! Head on over and us coupon code MAR14BOGO and take advantage of the deal. I LOOOOVE this store. So many cute things in the store and online. Take advantage of this. You won't be sorry.
Swing. And. A. Miss
You see that picture? That's me, except I'm the girl version of that. Yep, swing, and a miss! Talk about taking a knife and stabbing it right into my pride. I know I said this blog wasn't going to be about me and my life but you know there are things that happen and sometimes you just have to laugh, and talk about them. This is one of those times. I mean, who misses the ball in slow pitch softball? The ball is coming underhanded and like literally 3 miles an hour. WTF?
Anywho, I struck out swinging. What seemed to be the most perfect pitch ever, and I was in-visioning where it was going to land on the field, and I swung and completely missed. Again, W.T.F?! The moral of this is to remind you not to take your eye off the ball. (The fundamentals of baseball 101). The result is and will always be to leave you with the feeling of a complete moron.
We all got a good laugh. I was even laughing at myself. Except everyone else wasn't laughing with me, it was definitely at me. Bleh.
At least we still won, and at least I wasn't the game winning batter or anything. But I was the last out. Dammit.
Until next time.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Bloggers Unite: The Liebster Award.
Well, I am proud to say that I am not a receiver of the Liebster award. A dear friend/ fellow high school classmate/forever friend has nominated me for this award. I am new to blogging and so far, SO GOOD. So here are the questions that I was given for you to all get to know a little more about me.
2.) I'm obsessed with cucumbers w/lime and salt.
3.) I eat about 7 times a day but only weight 110lbs. Literally, only 110 lbs.
4.) My hair is my best feature. And when I mean best, I mean it's literally the best thing to ever be on this planet.
5.) My boyfriend and I are EXACTLY the same height. In other words, I will not be wearing heels at our wedding.
6.) I'm a SUCKER for good love stories. Books, or movie...doesn't matter. I just love a cheesy happy love ending.
7.) I listen to the Bobby Bones Show EVERY SINGLE MORNING or I feel like I am disconnected from my friends.
Next Step:
Here's the list of questions I'm sending to the next bloggers and here's the list of bloggers I'm nominating. I hope they only receive goodness and great readers down the road. Each and every blogger puts, thought and time into their post- they deserve some recognition.
I nominate the following for the Leibster award:
Rania Sm(http://furtherthanbeauty.blogspot.com/)
Tash Johnson(http://pompombonbon.blogspot.com/)
- What do you blog about/ what is your niche?
- What type of blogs do you most enjoy reading?
- What do you enjoy about blogging?
- What is your blogging goal?
- What books are sitting on your bedside table?
- If you could go back and take an alternate career path what would it be?
- Seven random facts about yourself?
2.) I'm obsessed with cucumbers w/lime and salt.
3.) I eat about 7 times a day but only weight 110lbs. Literally, only 110 lbs.
4.) My hair is my best feature. And when I mean best, I mean it's literally the best thing to ever be on this planet.
5.) My boyfriend and I are EXACTLY the same height. In other words, I will not be wearing heels at our wedding.
6.) I'm a SUCKER for good love stories. Books, or movie...doesn't matter. I just love a cheesy happy love ending.
7.) I listen to the Bobby Bones Show EVERY SINGLE MORNING or I feel like I am disconnected from my friends.
- Do you read other blogs and if so what is a favorite and why?
- What makes a blog enjoyable to you?
- If money weren’t a consideration, what would you do with your life?
- Do you have a life motto or a saying you come back to again and again?
Next Step:
Here's the list of questions I'm sending to the next bloggers and here's the list of bloggers I'm nominating. I hope they only receive goodness and great readers down the road. Each and every blogger puts, thought and time into their post- they deserve some recognition.
- What do you blog about/ what is your niche?
- What type of blogs do you most enjoy reading?
- What do you enjoy about blogging?
- What is your blogging goal?
- What books are sitting on your bedside table?
- If you could go back and take an alternate career path what would it be?
- Seven random facts about yourself?
- Do you read other blogs and if so what is a favorite and why?
- What makes a blog enjoyable to you?
- If money weren’t a consideration, what would you do with your life?
- Do you have a life motto or a saying you come back to again and again?
I nominate the following for the Leibster award:
Rania Sm(http://furtherthanbeauty.blogspot.com/)
Tash Johnson(http://pompombonbon.blogspot.com/)
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The new and improved.
I feel like I'm disconnected from the world because I have posted anything in a few days... Here's what I've been working on. You see, I had this book shelf that was just the left column. But it was entirely too small. So, Blake with his magic touch added onto it. And of course I had to paint it and distress it like the chair in the corner. I'm telling you, it's a pain in the butt but totally worth it! It's so cute. Now my books have a bigger home and it's freaking adorable!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Shopping deals and steals
At my work we are required to dress business professional. Some days you can get away with business casual but to wear an outfit as adorable as that for under $50... you should just wear that ANYWHERE!!! Okay so here's what I do when I shop.....
The trick to finding deals is to not just go to a store and buy the first thing you love or that you think is a decent price. Yes, sometimes you cannot find that item anywhere else and you are forced to buy that item at the cost in whatever store is selling it. BUT, you have to search. Go to places that you know are generally cheaper. Take my skirt for instance. I found that at Plato's closet for $12. Normally I don't pay over $10 for any single item there but since it is Banana Republic and it's an adorable pencil skirt(who can wrong with that). My shirt was purchased at TJ Maxx for a whole $12 also. When I go to places like TJ Maxx and Ross, I have to be thoroughly prepared to deal with people, screaming kids and an over abundance amount of clothes. BUT FOR CHEAP!!!! Now, I know you can't see but I am wearing some panty-hose tights and tall boots. The boots I got were off of one of those Facebook groups that's an online garage sale. (If you aren't apart of one of those, GET IN ONE. They are amazing. You save so much money and fund some really great things on there as well.) I purchased the boots for $20(they had only been worn once and you could obviously tell when I met the lady to buy them). Accessories are always optional. My friend gave me that necklace for my birthday but I tell you what... the outfit looks super classy and chic just by itself. I LOVE to shop. And I LOVE to find deals even more. :)
The trick to finding deals is to not just go to a store and buy the first thing you love or that you think is a decent price. Yes, sometimes you cannot find that item anywhere else and you are forced to buy that item at the cost in whatever store is selling it. BUT, you have to search. Go to places that you know are generally cheaper. Take my skirt for instance. I found that at Plato's closet for $12. Normally I don't pay over $10 for any single item there but since it is Banana Republic and it's an adorable pencil skirt(who can wrong with that). My shirt was purchased at TJ Maxx for a whole $12 also. When I go to places like TJ Maxx and Ross, I have to be thoroughly prepared to deal with people, screaming kids and an over abundance amount of clothes. BUT FOR CHEAP!!!! Now, I know you can't see but I am wearing some panty-hose tights and tall boots. The boots I got were off of one of those Facebook groups that's an online garage sale. (If you aren't apart of one of those, GET IN ONE. They are amazing. You save so much money and fund some really great things on there as well.) I purchased the boots for $20(they had only been worn once and you could obviously tell when I met the lady to buy them). Accessories are always optional. My friend gave me that necklace for my birthday but I tell you what... the outfit looks super classy and chic just by itself. I LOVE to shop. And I LOVE to find deals even more. :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Maurice's BOGO 50% off deal
Head on over to Maurice's and use that code for a BOGO 50% off. Their clothes are TOTES ADORBS. Tell them I sent you :)
Amazon Prime Membership deal for $39
the link is http://gregstext.com/bcsdeal
follow the link and it will give you directions on how to set up. It's on $39 once your six months is up, you can cancel anytime and you membership lasts for a year!!!
You can bet that I've already signed up! :)
Monday, March 17, 2014
The Fixed Trilogy
Go over to B&N.com and get this trilogy for 99 cents. YES, that is all three books for 1 whole dollar. I've read the reviews and it seems good. I've read the sections about the book and those seem good also. Go check it out and let me know what you think. I can't wait to start this book asap!
Avoiding Responsility by K.A. Linde
Sunday, March 16, 2014
300: Rise of an Empire
Two words: WHOA BABY! If you've seen the first one then you know that the second one will be pretty much of the same thing.... LOTS OF SHIRTLESS MEN. And have you seen their bodies. WHOA BABY! The whole movie I kept thinking two things 1.)YUMMMY and 2.) I don't how much they had to work out to get those abs! I loved learning about Greek Mythology in school so these types of movies always interest me. We actually saw it in IMAX 3D and it was more than awesome. I know that when the movie comes out and we try to watch it again at home, it won't be anything close to the same. The movie did great describing how the first one played out and tied them together. I honestly feel that you didn't have to see the first one to know what was going on but who knows, someone else might feel differently. Anyway.... go see it. It is gory, and there are a few scenes that you want to make sure you don't take anyone under 18 to see this but it was AWESOME!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Avoiding Commitment
Let me just start off with the fact that I've heard so many good things about this book and the reviews DID NOT DISAPPOINT! We all have exes... Right? And some of us even have that one that we never really get over or the one that always seems to pop in and out of our lives from time to time. Well this book is pretty much all of that and then some. This book will take you back to those feelings you once had. But they also remind you why you moved on... If you have! Avoiding commitment is a MUST read. Go check it out... You won't be sorry!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Thirsty Thursday
College Station, Texas is known for a lot of things but once you've lived here you'll know that wings and more is the place to be. Not to mention that Thursday nights it's the happening place because their 32 oz beers are half off leaving them only $4 and some change. Anyway, tonight the Ocean Potion is what sounded good and believe me, it was. If you've never tried one... I'm telling you now... It will satisfy your taste buds. It's a sweet drink but it's good. So if you don't live here and you're passing through town... Stop by and have one!
Seeing Stars by J. Sterling
Okay book friends. Seeing stars is out today. Head over to amazon.com and order this bad boy. J. Sterling is the author and she writes some AMAZING love stories. You might know her from the The Perfect Game series starring JACK F'N CARTER. Her books are funny, sad, and everything in between. She LOVES to hear feedback from her readers so don't forget to leave some when you finish. I can't wait to read this one!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Lucky You
Well, as I promised... Here's the first fashion tip of my blog. Rue 21 is offering 25% off when you spend $50 or more. This is one of my favorite places to shop at. The location I go to has the friendliest staff and always helps me pair things up when I am having an "off" day. Go to a store near you or check them out online at www.rue21.com. You won't be sorry! :)
Movies: Non-Stop/Endless Love
Not sure how many movie gurus we have out there but I like to think that I am one of them. Anyhow, Blake and I saw Non-Stop this weekend. The movie was pretty good. I felt like the previews made it seem like it was going to be another TAKEN but it wasn't at all. I mean, except for the fact that Liam Neeson kicks ass and always, always, ALWAYS finds out who is killing people. Of course, like always the movie made me thing about our country and how tragedies have occurred in our lifetime but nonetheless it was AWESOME. You should go check it out.
Another movie that I recently saw was Endless Love. I'm not sure who the girl was but Alex Pettyfer in any movie is a must watch. He was super cute in Magic Mike(minus the creepy drug addiction) but he was a total sweetheart in Endless Love. The movie is a little cliché, and maybe a lot like the notebook but it's also not a book and not an old movie. It's generated towards todays generation and the realities of how things happen today but it's a good one. I saw it in the theatres twice(I'd go again if someone wants) and I cried both times. And not one of those sad cries but the Kim Kardashian cry... you know.... kind of like this..
YEP, so if you enjoy that kind of cry... go see Endless Love. :)
Another movie that I recently saw was Endless Love. I'm not sure who the girl was but Alex Pettyfer in any movie is a must watch. He was super cute in Magic Mike(minus the creepy drug addiction) but he was a total sweetheart in Endless Love. The movie is a little cliché, and maybe a lot like the notebook but it's also not a book and not an old movie. It's generated towards todays generation and the realities of how things happen today but it's a good one. I saw it in the theatres twice(I'd go again if someone wants) and I cried both times. And not one of those sad cries but the Kim Kardashian cry... you know.... kind of like this..
YEP, so if you enjoy that kind of cry... go see Endless Love. :)
Hair helpings
Okay, so here's the deal... Remember in the Welcome section when you read that I think my hair is my best feature? Yep, I know you don't because you didn't read that part. But here's the deal..... it really IS my best feature. It's black, long and NOT straight but THANK BABY JESUS FOR HAIR STRAIGHTENERS!!! Anyway, this is the shampoo that I use. I'm not going to lie, I use it because of the smell, but it also has been amazing on my hair. I've always just used the shampoo and not the conditioner but recently have been using the conditioner as well. I've used each one of Bed Heads shampoos and this one is my favorite. I get mine at Armstrong McCall(thanks to my mom for being a hairdresser all those years) but for those of you who don't have the connections there... ask your hair dresser and if you don't have one of those then you can find it at ULTA. It's about $25 at ULTA but I'm not lying when I tell you that it IS the best combo. Also, I use a leave in conditioner which is also bed head. It's in a pink spray bottle and everything AMAZING! Hope this helps!
Book Hangover
Have you ever heard of a book hangover? Well the definition of a book hangover is when you read an amazing book that has affected your life and you try and start another book but you're unable to because of the fact that you're still hung up on the previous book's characters. WELL, let me just tell you that the book hangover you were feeling when you read 50 Shades of Grey(I know you read it, most women have).... this is an amazing read and leaves the same exact hangover. This book is for a younger crowd as the book is about two college freshmen, but the book is nothing short of amazing. This series will have you remembering your first love, reminding you about all the hard times you've faced in life, but also reminding you how strong you are and that at the end of the day you're not the only one going through something. This book has romance, laughter, and brings tears of sadness and joy. But, out of the HUNDREDS of books that I've read... this one is most definitely at the top of my list. Special thanks to my two book obsessed friends Vicky and Lyndsee for telling me about this book. GO CHECK IT OUT!
Well, it's finally happened. I broke down and created a blog. I've had so many people tell me that I should and this is what it's come down to. If you're not excited, well... who cares because I am! :) Let me just start off with the fact that I spend entirely too much time on social media and pretty much just on the internet in general, but then again, who else doesn't? While creating my blog I starting thinking to myself... If I asked people what words they could describe me with, what would they come up with? And even though I didn't result in a Facebook post about it, here is what I know.
I am loud. When I mean loud, I mean, I talk loud, I laugh loud, I wear "loud" colors, my personality over all is just loud. I'm skinny. Not like awkwardly skinny or too skinny(in my opinion) but, I'm just skinny. I've got long black hair, which I believe is my best feature. And last but not least, I talk a lot. I talk and talk and talk and talk... I talk so much that sometimes I even talk to myself. No, I am not crazy but there are things in my head that sometimes just need to be said out loud.
But enough about me, let's just take a second to be excited about the launch of my new page. Stay tuned for a lot more amazingness.
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