Sunday, March 16, 2014

300: Rise of an Empire

Two words: WHOA BABY! If you've seen the first one then you know that the second one will be pretty much of the same thing.... LOTS OF SHIRTLESS MEN. And have you seen their bodies. WHOA BABY! The whole movie I kept thinking two things 1.)YUMMMY and 2.) I don't how much they had to work out to get those abs! I loved learning about Greek Mythology in school so these types of movies always interest me. We actually saw it in IMAX 3D and it was more than awesome. I know that when the movie comes out and we try to watch it again at home, it won't be anything close to the same. The movie did great describing how the first one played out and tied them together. I honestly feel that you didn't have to see the first one to know what was going on but who knows, someone else might feel differently. Anyway.... go see it. It is gory, and there are a few scenes that you want to make sure you don't take anyone under 18 to see this but it was AWESOME!

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