Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to NOT burn Cinnamon Rolls

Okay, Here's the deal....

I've recently become slightly more domesticated(Thanks to my new crock pot that Blake got me for Christmas. Pretty sure he was trying to say something.)

By domesticated I mean, that I am no longer on strike from cooking.

(I was on strike because I cooked a meal for the whole neighborhood(total sarcasm) and NO ONE ate it. They(the guys) came home from their games and went to bed or outside to drink and totally disregarded the food. Ugh. BOYS!)


I started out by cooking a charro beans recipe that my sister gave to me. They turned out AWESOME!

The next day I cooked Blake breakfast(in bed) for his birthday.

I completely forgot that I had bought cinnamon rolls so during the week when I found them I thought, "Cool, I can make these sometime soon."

I decided to make them Sunday morning since we had slept in a little and it would be a nice little snack until we decided to get up and maybe get lunch or something.

The rules on how to cook them are pretty simple.

Preheat the oven.
Place rolls on pan.
Cook for 25-29 minutes.
Place icing on top.

BUT, what I didn't know was that I needed to put them in a certain pan.

I put them on the normal cookie sheet instead of in a small round pan.

Needless to say, they came out extra brown, & extra crispy.


Thinking about going back on strike from the whole domesticated thing. Cooking is just NOT for me. Have you ever met a Mexican woman that can't cook?



Here's to not catching the house on fire! :)


Courtney J. said...

Just put them on for less time next time. Could be your stove getting to hot, ours use to do that. My mom uses a cookie sheet all the time. So you should be fine next time

Lisset Herrera said...

I could have sworn that I used a cookie sheet last time. Thanks for the tip! :)