Saturday, February 14, 2015

50 Shades of Grey Review

Let's see... Where do I even begin. 

My thoughts after seeing the movie. 

"Umm no." 

Jamie Dornan. No!
Sex scenes. No! 
Women in the theatre screaming over the movie. Hell no!

When the cast was originally picked and it was Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunham I was disappointed. I don't so much care for Dakota but Charlie isn't who I had in mind. Like a lot of other people, anyway. 

When I heard Charlie Hunam dropped out I was really thinking "wtf!" I had accepted him and of course didn't mind his good looks. 

Then, recently after Christmas I sat down and watched the entire Sons of Anarchy series in a week. Can you say obsessed? 

When I get to watching a show I'm hooked! 

Anyway, I'm totes obsessed with Charlie Hunam now. I mean who wouldn't be? He's a total badass, typical bad boy and of course he's nice to look at. 

Therefore, I was NOT impressed with Jamie Dornan. 

First off he looks like a wimp. I mean in my head Christian is this tall, hot, deep voice dominant man. Not a guy I could probably beat up. And I'm all of 120lbs on my heavier days! ;)

Then when he talks I can hear his accent. Dude. No. 

And to top it all off when he said "laters baby" I wanted to throw my drink at the theatre screen!

Although I didn't. 

I wouldn't dare waste alcohol! 

Anyway, the movie was just blah.

Major disappointment. 

But, I, the girl who reads a book every two weeks, who picks apart every book, who sees the story beneath the words are written, wasn't surprised!

I knew it would blow!

I'm just glad the movie premiered so I can stop hearing all of these people crying about "that movie is the devil, that movie is about abuse, that movie has issues" and blah blah blah. 

The books aren't real. 

Yes, BDSM exists. 

Yes people who commit to that are morons. 

But that doesn't make me one for reading the books. 

I too was like "wtf is this crap" when I first read the book. But the other two have so much more meaning than just BDSM. 

But that's my opinion. 

Anyway, all in all the movie sucked. 

Here's to the next two being better! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Amazon Online Bookstore

New and exciting things are happening for The Lady Latina!

I am now an official Amazon Associate.

In other words, they think I am cool enough to work for them and sell items through them.

So you know what that means....


The Lady Latina Amazon Bookstore

Now, with that being said I only have my bookstore up and running right now.

But basically I can get you anything you want off Amazon.

Now I know that you might already have amazon and how easy it is to get something with just 1 click.

BUT, I know how much cooler it is to buy stuff from friends who are trying to come up in the world and that just so happens to be me!

The Lady Latina Amazon Bookstore

Don't be scared... go online and buy some books.

The Lady Latina Amazon Bookstore