Thursday, June 12, 2014

Giddy Up Glamour Boutique

I wanted to take the time to let you know about one of my favorite boutiques!

Giddy up Glamour!

They just launched their new blog, but they've been around for a while!

I live in Bryan,TX but thankfully knew about this place when I attended Sam Houston State in Huntsville!!

Now, they're coming to BCS(THANK GOD!!!)

It's always been one of my favorite places to shop at. The clothes, the accessories, name it... They've got it all.

Anyway.... go check out their blog. They have some awesome shopping tips

Giddy Up Glamour Blog

Giddy Up Glamour Shopping website

Seriously.... you won't regret it! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Forever you: Book Review

I'm giving this book 4 out of 5 stars only because I didn't LOVE it as much as the others. Now don't get me wrong, I loved the wedding and reading all about the big day but the other books were so intense and kept me hooked that when I read them I read all 4 in 4 days. This one took me about a week to read. So, when a book comes out you kind of expect it to be like the others and it wasn't. Other than that honestly I loved it still, and the fact that there is going to be another books makes me happy. I love the way Allie writes her books. I can't wait for the next book!

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's about time...

Let me just start off with the fact that that ring is WOW!!!!

Despite my recent events with my family and that are still currently ongoing, I am thrilled to say that I am engaged.

I have a fiance.


I can't wait to call him my husband one day. It's been a dream of mine to marry the man of my dreams and he is definitely IT!

Because I am a writer, a blogger, and just spend 90 percent of my life on the internet, I already created our wedding website. HAHA

The Knot- Blake and Lisset

There you will find a few details about us, and the proposal. STAY TUNED FOR MORE!!!
