Friday, July 31, 2015

Being Catholic

Yesterday I went to a funeral for someone in my husband's family.

The man was Catholic.

I was raised Catholic.

Technically, I still am Catholic. 

However, I've never really attended the Catholic church.

I went as a kid growing up but as I got older I really just stopped.

I can't say that I've ever really been a fan of the Catholic church. 

Or any church for that matter.

I am Christian and I believe in God and all, I just have never truly felt "Welcomed" at a church. 

When I was little I got my confirmation done while in Mexico with my parents. My sister had done her communion and so we both got our confirmations at the same time. Even though I still hadn't done my communion.

I was in Junior High when I decided to try and get it done. 

I took the classes(was the oldest person in the class) and dang near completed the course. However, I got sick and was unable to attend a class and they told me I wouldn't be able to do my communion. 

Well okay then.

I was pissed.

No like seriously eff you Catholic church lady who told me I wasted those Wednesdays coming to class to accomplish nothing.

I mean I guess I did learn something because I learned how to do a proper rosery, the our fathers, and hail marys.

But still, couldn't do my communion and to this day I can't even remember the Hail Mary. 

Anyway, I've still gone to Catholic church all of my life. 

I say the appropriate things when needed, however the only and (MAIN) problem that I have is that I am still unable to take communion during the service.

Well I think that's a load of crap.

Here I am, 26(almost 27) freaking years old and I still can't take the communion. 

I've been coming to your church for all of these years, half asleep, half annoyed because I can hardly ever understand the priest but I still come, it's what my family expects of me, so I do it.


Well, here's the thing.... God knows I'm a little rebel and he knows that I am hard headed and that I have always done what I have wanted to do therefore I think I should be able to take the communion. I mean, doesn't everyone get a little hungry during the service and that little piece of cracker/bread (whatever it is) could do just the trick to hold you over.

I mean why not. 

You wouldn't let me get my communion done because of your rules and still I've come to church anyway.

And if I take the communion without really being allowed to, then I ask God for forgiveness, won't he just understand anyway?


God, if you're listening, let me know what's up.... I sure get tired of watching everyone else take communion and I just sit there. 

Until next time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings on this last day of July – Hope you are enjoying the “good ole summertime” and staying cool –

I read your blog – with both interest and concern – I am taking this opportunity to express my heart thoughts and sincere feelings – as remember …..I loved your mom –

Allow me to begin my stating that as a Roman Catholic who loves my Faith – I offer an apology for the treatment that you have experienced and the fact that you do not feel welcome ~ welcomed – God will always welcome you – so just bypass the thought that you are not welcomed – Find a church where you do connect and – believe me – that will help you along your spiritual journey.

I cannot begin to tell you how I feel when you stated that you were not allowed to make your First Communion - having missed only one class as you prepared for your special day – I simply cannot imagine such an ordeal – Like who had the authority to keep you from making your First Communion simply because you missed one class with a valid excuse – being you were sick?

No one has that kind of authority – Did you have recourse to the DRE (Director of Religious Education) and/or the pastor at that time? That one class could have been made up as a later date – This is totally incredible -

As a product of private education in Catholic Schools all of my life - – 8 years of Grade School – 2 years in an all-girl Catholic (IWA) Academy – followed by entering the Religious Life after my sophomore year; having spent 10 years in the Convent – and then – later – teaching C.C.E. classes…. I have never heard of such a thing – The teacher nor the DRE had that authority -

Another Comment – The Sacrament of Confirmation is received AFTER First Communion - The Pastor and/or Bishop in Mexico should have instructed you and point this out to you – Again – NOT YOUR FAULT -

Confirmation was usually administered in High School – now it is a two-year preparation in Junior High – 7th and 8th Grades – The two years as prescribed by the Diocese – Not the pastors – So it was not your fault that you received Confirmation before your First Communion –

(I am going to be Sponsor for my Godchild at her Confirmation in November.)
However – Holy Communion is our spiritual food – not to feed our bodies – because as Catholics – We believe in the Real Presence – and the Host is not just a symbol – and it is not meant to feed our bodies.

Yes – God is listening – Just keep praying and you will find answers –
May I suggest that you find a wonderful priest – like our Father David at St. Mary’s in College Station – or Father Ed – at St. Mary’s in Plantersville – explain your situation and you will receive help and guidance –

At St. Mary’s in College Station – we have the joy of witnessing the Aggies joining the Church - being baptized – and confirmed and receiving their First Communion – at Easter Vigil – and sometimes – during the year – the Bishop will come for Confirmation – So it is never too late –

Whenever you decide to discuss this situation with a priest who will listen to you – I am sure receiving your First Communion can be arranged – However – I know that Father will probably discuss having your Marriage blessed also. All of these things can be worked out – Trust me –

God bless you and may the Holy Spirit guide you in your decision -
Love you – Patricia