Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Outfit of the Day


It's been one hot minute since I posted an Outfit of the Day or some fashion tips.

BUT, since I literally threw this outfit together less than 5 minutes I just had to talk about it.

First off, the dress I got it from Francesca's. It was more than I normally will pay for a dress but I absolutely LOVE their clothes and I knew that I could pair so many things with that dress.

Those over the knee tan suede boots I got with a girlfriend on a BOGO deal from Maurices. They were under $50 too. Nice boots under $50, to me, IS A DEAL!

The vest is the one and only Herringbone Vest. I don't remember which boutique I bought it at as I purchased it last year but you can find them a lot of places!

The scarf I scored from my favorite place Rue 21. I purchased it ona buy one get one $1 deal. I swear they always have the best freaking deals!

The cross earrings I scored at this awesome place in downtown Bryan called "Texas Rose Boutique." They have amazing sales and very reasonably priced items.

Such a cute and casual outfit for a day at work or for running some errands on a beautiful day!

Just remember, vests, necklaces, scarves, earrings can go with SO MANY THINGS. Don't be scared to buy them!

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