Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Saying Goodbye to 2014!

December 31st.

1 day until a brand new year.

A fresh start. 

You always hear things like "I'm going to be healthy and fit, or I'm going to save money."

You hear things that people often say but don't always stick to. 

Well I've got something and I will stick to my guns on this one. 

I will NOT let 2015 be as awful as 2014 was. 

And I mean it. 

If you know me at all you know that I've had multiple things happen to me that were just plain sucky!

So, my New Years resolution is to not let 2014 ever make me feel that down again!

2015 has so many great things in store for us!

It's our wedding year, hopefully closing on our first home, and making new memories.

Here's to a brand new year, getting a new last name, reading more books, laughing so much it hurts, going to places I've never been, and trying new things.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

New Puppy, Sick Puppy, Enter Mommy Mode.

Let me just start off saying I never knew I had a "mommy mode!" 

Well last night it kicked in with my new puppy Chico. 

Of course I have issues with my dog on our first night together. It wouldn't be my life if I didn't. 

So let me back up to how Chico was given to me. 

Back in August after our mom died my brother-in-law wanted to do something special for my sister, something that could help ease the pain. Since moms funeral was the weekend before my niece's first day of kindergarden as well as my nephew starting preschool that next week we had all been worrying about my sister being at home alone. 

Mom lived with my sister Gina so she NEVER was at home alone!

My bother in law had surprised my sister with a dog that next week. 

Chuquitita is her name. We like to call her Chiqi. 

My sister named her that because that's what our mom would call Liliana!

Anyway Chiqi has been a blessing to my sister. She makes her happy, she cuddles with her, she has made that family smile in ways I thought we'd never see again. 

Of course, the pain of losing someone so close to you never really fades away but it simply diminishes in the background when other things that make you happy come along. 

Chiqi has been just that. 

I know mom would've loved her!

So my sister went to Abilene a few weeks ago and asked me to dog sit. And boy was it fun!

Chiqi was so stinkin' sweet. I just loved her.

When she left Blake and I were sitting there giving her hugs and kisses wishing she wasn't leaving us.

Well, my sister is simply amazing and decided to buy me a dog. 

Yesterday we picked him up and the second I held him he gave me puppy kisses and snuggled his head into my neck. 

We were meant for each other. 

Well on the way home he threw up. 
I honestly thought it was because my brother-in-law was driving like a maniac. 

Then, late last night Chico and I fell asleep and I woke up to him in my face about 3:30 am. 

I look over and see something on the bed. 

WTF is that. 


O.M.G. Worms. 

(Enter mommy mode): Like I said, didn't know I had it in me. 

I got up, went to the bathroom and started cleaning my sweet little Chico. Then went back to the bed and stripped the sheets off. 

Friggin gross.

My poor Chico has tape worm. 

On our first night together. 

Like I said, it wouldn't be life if there wasn't some kind of dang problem. 

I've been watching him like a hawk. 
Checking his butt. 
Checking his poop. 

Yep, mommy mode. 

Never realized I had it in me but I love this dog. 

He's sweet, he's cuddly, he snores, he's currently chewing on my blanket but he's the best!

And I've now become that crazy dog lady after 24 hours I have a handful of pictures, spent too much money at Petsmart and have our first vet appointment tomorrow! 

Pray for me!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What's for dinner?

Well now that it's getting a little chilly down here in Texas it's prime weather for the crock pot. 

Although, I live by mine all year....the winter is when this bad boy really gets to work. 

For all you crock pot lovers here is the best and most simple roast recipe that I've found. It's the third one I've tried...and if it has less than 5 ingredients in it... I'm sold!

  • one beef pot roast of your choice
  • 1 box, (2 envelopes) Lipton Onion Soup Mix
  • baby carrots
  • new potatoes
  • 2 cups water

Let it cook on high for 9-10 hours or low for 7-8. I prefer mind extra chewy so 10 or more hours is what miner gets cooked for. 

If you're interested in more recipes let me know... I have a handful that I just love. 

Oh and don't forget to thank Lipton for the recipe. 😃

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Take Me With You Cover Reveal and Release Date





All of my demons are coming to head.
I thought Ari could push them back.
I thought I could conquer my vices with her at my side.
I thought wrong.


Fear is my new constant.
I thought I could conceal it, contain it, control it.
I thought that now that I had Grant the worst was over.
I thought wrong.

But if we’re going to survive, wherever you go…take me with you.

Cover Designed by Najla Qamber Designs - Facebook | Website


I’d never given much thought to falling in love.
For someone like me, it seemed an impossibility. Why dwell on something that would never happen? I had no interest in chicks for more than what they could give me in one night. Fuck ‘em and then show ‘em the door.
There were always clinger groupies, who claimed to love me. But they loved what I could offer them. Sex. A one-night stand. A story to tell their friends about how they slept with a rocker. With Grant McDermott.
I was a name. A symbol. Nothing more.


About the Author

USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde has written the Avoiding series and the Record series as well as the new adult novels Following Me and Take Me for Granted. She grew up as a military brat traveling the United States and Australia. While studying political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia, she founded the Georgia Dance Team, which she still coaches. Post-graduation, she served as the campus campaign director for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An avid traveler, reader, and bargain hunter, K.A. lives in Athens, Georgia, with her fiancé and two puppies, Riker and Lucy.


Book Link:




Goodreads Author Link:



Buy Link for Book 1


Amazon B&N | iTunes Goodreads


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Black Lies Book Review


Just wow!!!!!!!!

I am speechless!

This book was every bit as emotional as possible! 

It was so hot, erotic, romantic, had mystery, etc.!

I literally think I need a break before I review this book.

I'm just speechless. 


Anyway, I started this book on a major book hangover from reading a K.A. Linde series...and wasn't quit into it at first but because of the awesome reviews and reccomendations that I had on this book I kept on!

I finally got to a certain point and really couldn't take it anymore.... I had to ask a fellow book reader what the secret was

And as I found out, I had really already guessed it. 

Anyway,  I put the book down for a few days and finally finishe it today. 

It was perfectly written! I just can't get over how amazing it was! 

I will definitely be reading more of her books!

To all my book reading friends... Pick this one up... You won't be sorry! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My last post as a 25 year old!

Well, CRAP!

Today is my last day as a 25 year old woman.

I've always loved birthdays. They make me feel like a kid again.

But now I am just getting old.

Or, well into my "PRIME" as I love to say.

This year is going to be a lot different though.

Dad won't be there. Mom won't be there.

All I would love for my birthday is to have my parents back!

But that's not the case.

So what will I do?

Celebrate with the best friends a girl could have!

Sure wish my sister wasn't doing the whole "busy mom life" or else I know she would come and spend it with me.

I'll also be with my crazy work family. Who, I've only known for 2 LOOOOOOOOOOONG months and even though it gets crazy around here I love them and am glad to be spending the day with them as well .

25 has been one of the worst ages of my life, yet some really great things have happened as well! 

But if I've learned anything it's that I'm always thankful to see another year, I'm stronger than I could've ever realized and I've got some pretty amazing things planned for myself.  

So here's to another year y'all!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Tribute To My Mom, Because Of Books!

Well, I've been M.I.A for over a month now so I finally decided to get back in my groove.

I haven't read any books in almost two months but I finally got back on my A game and read three books in less than a week.

I was finally able to read Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover.
LOVE doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about her books.

Anyway, I read a few chapters and knew that I needed to stop..... something in the book hit a little too close to home...

4 weeks and 2 days ago today my mother was called to Heaven. She lost her fight to Liver Disease, something that 4 other members in her immediate family have all lost the battle to as well.

In my mom's final days, she was intibated with a tube down her throat which did not allow her to be able to speak. She was awake and as much as coherent as possible given her sick conditions but she spoke enough with her eyes and colorful expressions.

My mom was in the hospital for 11 days before she passed.

The last 4 days I spent as much as possible by her bedside.

Everyday was new day. Some days she was improving, then the next she wasn't. It was until one night within a span of twelve hours that mom continued to get worse.

I can't stop thinking about how I was the one who was there with her when the doctors told me that hospice care was something to think about and that at this point they were thinking my mom wasn't going to make it much longer. 

I normally wasn't the person to be there with mom. Normally my sister was because she is a stay at home mom and had more time to be able to take her whereas I work full time and live 2 hours away.

But that weekend I had packed my things and headed to be with mom. I already knew that I was marrying the man of my dreams but I was reassured when he went with me and stayed by my side through the final days.

Mom and I had fun, in which we always did, and we even managed to butt heads a time or two. 

But that was normal.

During the last day when my sister and I had made the decision to remove my mom off of life support(per her wishes) I laid by her bedside, holding her hand, crying, and wondering how in the heck I was going to be able to let go. 

As we were holding hands my mom touched my engagement ring....she made this face almost like "what is that," raised my hand and looked at my ring.

She mouthed to me with the biggest smile "that is so pretty!"

She put my hand down and continued to hold my hand as I just laid there and cried.

I couldn't quite understand how I was going to get through her leaving, how I was going to be able get through my wedding day without her and how on earth is it that she won't be there to meet her grandchild  the day I finally had one.

But, as much as it hurt I knew that I didn't need to be selfish and I had to think about what pain she was in, & how she felt...

My sister and I knew we had to let her go even though our hearts didn't want us to!

The doctors said she wouldn't be able to talk much after they removed the breathing tube, that she couldn't have anything to drink and that she would probably pass soon after they removed the tube.

Well, like always, mom showed her true strength. 

Mom knew we were having such a hard time letting her go and that not hearing her was something that Gina and I were both wanting so badly.

Mom talked to everyone in the room. All of our cousins, her brother and sister, my fiance and my sister's husband...she even got to talk to her grand babies on the phone.

My sister and I like to think that she gave us the closure she knew we needed. Lots of times families don't get to say their goodbyes or their last words and we got just that!

She talked about seeing Tom Landry and finally being able to go to a Dallas Cowboys game once she got to heaven... but most of all she was ready to be free of pain and with her parents and brother and sister!

4 weeks and 2 days and not one day hasn't gone by that I haven't thought about her or teared up a little at the fact that I miss her like crazy! 

Well, I finally broke down last week and finished the book I had to put down.

The reason being is because the main character Miles, talks about his mom being dead. I got to that part and put it down. It was too much. Then I remembered that my mom would always tell me to be strong and to fight through things and reading is something that is my happy place, my escape from reality.

I wanted to read that book because I have read a few of her others and each one I've walked away with a little piece of my life changed.

Of course, Colleen Hoover didn't disappoint. 

The book gave me exactly what I needed and although I cried through most of it.... I know my mom was looking down on me, happy that I was doing something that I thoroughly enjoy and that I know she loved also.

I encourage others to read her book Ugly Love. If not that one then another one. Colleen writes about things that could very well happy in life. She writes about the realities that some face when given difficult situations. She writes about things that no matter how hard times may get...there's always sunshine after the storm! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

My mother, My hero

It's no secret that I've always been daddy's little girl. 

But, there's no love like the one you have for your momma. 

Mom is mom! She's the nice one, the mean one, the cook, the negotiator, the lawyer, the 'I'll get off work early to make it to your game' one...

In other words, she's supermom. 

She's the one who stays up at night when you're sick to make sure you get meds in you. She's the one who's always there. 

She's nice but she's tough as hell. 

My favorite is "she's the one who brought you in this world, she can take you out!"

Now, don't get all butt hurt with that last comment. It is simply a joke! 

Mom means that in the way that she knows what it's like to carry you. To feel your heartbeat for the first time. To feel your hiccups or when you're not well. She knows what it's like to have a relationship with you that no man could ever understand. 

As I lay here in my mom's bed I can't help but think about her. I can't help but think about how fast we've grown up! I can't help but think, 'when did the roles get switched and it become our turn to take care of mom'. 

It seems like just yesterday that mom was taking me to my little league games. 

But, if there's one thing I know.... It's that I am damn proud that's my momma. 

She's a fighter. 

She always has been. 

My mom went without dinner on multiple occasions because she only had enough money to buy groceries to feed us. 

My mom would sleep in her car after a night shift at the prison before she had class in the morning. 

My mom was the ultimate sacrifice when it came to us. 

My mom is our hero.

Now it's my turn to be her hero. It's my turn to be there for her. 

Whether it's giving her my time, my love, heck, I would shave my head if it meant keeping my mom. 

I may be 25 years old but I still need my mom. 

She still has to walk me down this isle one day, and she still has to hold my hand when I have my first child. 

So mom, if you're hearing my prayers, and God too.... Just know we are fighting with you. 

Your time isn't over yet....

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Okay so my fiancé is the coach of his men's team Dynasty. When his team was making their run through D, I was always there supporting him. 

Anywho, one of our friends started calling us the Dynamites since we were always there cheering them on!

So when it came time to think of a team name for a women's team...  Naturally, Dynamytes was easily the winner!

So, the Schulenburg Festival tournament was always one of the biggest womens tournaments of the year... 

& We decided to enter a team in it!

So I rounded up all my best buds, and headed down there. 

Let me just say that we were SOOOO thankful it wasn't the typical Schulenburg festival with the weather. It was SO MUCH COOLER than normal. 

Thank GOD! 

Well, anyway, we won the first game and lost the second. And much like the Dynasty guys, we do things the hard way! 

& we even made our way back through the bracket. 

And I'll tell you what, it is nice sending people home instead of to the losers bracket. 

But we fell short. 

We got 3rd place

We lost to two very good teams. Two teams that I will never complain to lose to because I know dang good and well we can compete with them! 

Not to mention that by the time we were playing our 9th game... It was time to go home.

We. Were. Tired. 

Tired was an understatement. 

Like one of my roomates says... "I'm not a spring chicken anymore."

But it was a really fun weekend. 

I would play again anytime with those group of girls. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wedding Planning

Oh wedding planning!

I can't believe it's been 2 months since we got engaged. Seems like just yesterday Blake asked me to marry him! 


I sure have been just enjoying that we are getting married. 


BUT, the crazy thing is that two months have gone by and that means ONLY 10 more to plan a wedding.


Let me tell you that I had my exact wedding planned out on Pinterest...

Until recently...

You know the wedding I've always pictured wasn't really anything extravagant... Something beautiful and nice and something ME!

However, there are some things I've wanted but realistically, and financially... It's not best to go with certain things.

I do not have a money tree and if you happen to know where one is... Let. Me. Know. :)

Needless to say that wedding planning is going okay... 

I've purchased a few things and made some appointments to get the show on the road...

I love the fact that I am going to be a Czajkowski!!!

For those of you who don't know how to say it... It is CHA-KOW-SKI!!!

That is going to be interesting to sign.... 

My last name now is pretty darn simple...

But hey, who doesn't love a good challenge?

Until next time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014



If there's one thing that we know is it's inevitable. 

My life has had the most changes ever in the past few weeks alone. 

I changed my attitude towards life. 
I changed my attitude towards people. 
And I changed my attitude towards change! 

I've realized that not everyone who says they're your friend really is!

Sometimes people take things WAYY too personal, and life is just too short. 

The one thing I know that is constant in my life is love. 

The love from my fiancé.
The love from my family. 
And the love from the very few that I call a friend. 

I've changed friends, jobs, and life decisions recently. 

But as I write that statement I realize that you don't change friends. You just find out who never really was one. Because looking back and around I see that the same true friends are always there. They support me in every decision that I make, good and bad. 

Changing jobs is always scary. You become complacent and afraid to move on or do something different. But the one thing about 50 people told me was that I needed to do what's best for me and my family and you won't know until you try. So I did. So far, I'm 150 percent sure it was a good decision. 

Never be afraid to better yourself, no matter what others say. 

And then there's my lifes decisions. 

Everyday I carry something very tough on my shoulders. I've decided to not let it defeat me. 

I realize now that it's now or never. 

The time has come. And I cannot let something so negative consume my life...

So as my friends from the bobby bones show... I choose joy!

I choose joy because sometimes I think it's okay to have a breakdown. 
Just sitting and crying is okay. 
There will always be good and bad days. 
But choosing joy allows to let the good out weight the bad. 

I hope you will make a change in your life. Big or small... Change is good!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Giddy Up Glamour Boutique

I wanted to take the time to let you know about one of my favorite boutiques!

Giddy up Glamour!

They just launched their new blog, but they've been around for a while!

I live in Bryan,TX but thankfully knew about this place when I attended Sam Houston State in Huntsville!!

Now, they're coming to BCS(THANK GOD!!!)

It's always been one of my favorite places to shop at. The clothes, the accessories, name it... They've got it all.

Anyway.... go check out their blog. They have some awesome shopping tips

Giddy Up Glamour Blog

Giddy Up Glamour Shopping website

Seriously.... you won't regret it! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Forever you: Book Review

I'm giving this book 4 out of 5 stars only because I didn't LOVE it as much as the others. Now don't get me wrong, I loved the wedding and reading all about the big day but the other books were so intense and kept me hooked that when I read them I read all 4 in 4 days. This one took me about a week to read. So, when a book comes out you kind of expect it to be like the others and it wasn't. Other than that honestly I loved it still, and the fact that there is going to be another books makes me happy. I love the way Allie writes her books. I can't wait for the next book!

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's about time...

Let me just start off with the fact that that ring is WOW!!!!

Despite my recent events with my family and that are still currently ongoing, I am thrilled to say that I am engaged.

I have a fiance.


I can't wait to call him my husband one day. It's been a dream of mine to marry the man of my dreams and he is definitely IT!

Because I am a writer, a blogger, and just spend 90 percent of my life on the internet, I already created our wedding website. HAHA

The Knot- Blake and Lisset

There you will find a few details about us, and the proposal. STAY TUNED FOR MORE!!!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blogging, Writing, Reading, and EVERYTHING ELSE.

When I don't write on here in about a week I feel that I suck at blogging.  However, my blog stats and what not shows that I am doing quite well. But who really knows.


This is a little update on my book, my life and just this dang blog in general.

First off, writing a book seems a lot easier than it is. Especially since I am one of those crazy people that reads and rereads and rereads again. I make mistakes, I go and fix them, I take stuff out and put stuff in.

Let me just say that writing the Prologue was soooo easy. Basically it's because I know exactly what I want to write about. In school, starting papers was always my problem. Once I got them going then I got going. So at the beginning of each chapter I have a feeling I am going to be doing a lot of starring. That's not where I am now, but that's where I was.

I was starring at Chapter 1 like it was the plague. It took me FOREVER to start it.

Now I am writing and the dilemma that I am running into is what kind of book should this be?

Should I write a typical non-fiction love story or a hot and steamy romance.

With that I have two issues.

1.) I cuss entirely too much and sometimes a makeout session is a little too much for the "typical" love story.

2.) I may be 25 years old but writing a romance novel is funny. I mean how can you not laugh when writing "so he ripped her clothes off, went down on her and gave her the best orgasm ever." I mean, don't you blush a little when reading that? I giggled writing it.

So I spoke to my boyfriend about it and my exact words were "So what do I do, write a boring love story and just go balls to the wall?" His response "DO IT!" Whatever that means. (I'm secretly hoping he meant romance novel because that will be funny.)


I was a few chapters in and decided I wasn't liking the route that I was going. So I kept the prologue and started rewriting. Chapter 1 is awesome SO FAR.

I have all of my ideas about the book written down.

And let me just tell you.... even if this book never get's published, it'll be my baby, the number 1, the start of ALL THINGS EPIC.

So, on top of writing that bad boy I've also been reading some, hanging out with the girls, and of course showing my boyfriend some attention(possibly a little too much.)

Yesterday was mine and (the boy's) anniversary.


I know that doesn't seem like a lot but it is. Moving in with him at a year was tough. Dealing with my family issues has been hard on us both. And then there's that whole college thing that seemed to take forever. But here we are, 3 years later and we're ROCKIN'. Except for me being stuck up his ass lately. I just can't help it. Sometimes I really miss him and I am clingy and just want to be around him all the time. It's kind of weird. He knows it. I know it. It's just weird. But I love him and I can't help wanting to stare at his cute little face all the time.

So my reading has kind of went downhill lately. I was reading my butt off at the beginning of the year and set a goal for myself that I would read 60 books this year. That means a little more than a book a week. I was killing it at the beginning but then I finished a series and couldn't really find anything that was interesting me. I started the blog and writing a book and it pushed my book reading farrrr off. I read a book a few weeks ago and it was NOT AT ALL what I thought it was be. It was literally the first time that I read a book, finished it and when I was done I just sat there. Didn't feel a thing. What the crap is that? Then I read another series two weekends ago. 3 books in like 3 days. That is when you KNOW a book is good. It's freaking awesome.

So, I need to get back on my reading game.

And last but not least there's that thing called friends. You know the girls I hang out with when I've had enough of dealing with the guys at my house and need some estrogen in my life.
Hanging out with them is always an adventure.

Oh and how did I forget the benefit tournament that I am now doing for my mom.

Okay, that is the last thing. I promise.

The benefit tournament is to raise money for my mom as she is awaiting a liver transplant.

It's going to be one of the BEST fundraiser tournaments ever. The things that I already have for the silent auction are AMAZINGGGG! I seriously can't wait until it all comes together.

So, it's been a hectic few months.

And my few I mean the last two.
It's been a lot, that's for sure.

But nonetheless I am still alive...

Until next time....

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Fixed Trilogy... AMAZEBALLS!

WOW! This book.... WOW! I got this book a few months ago for free on Amazon and let me just say that I should've paid for it because it was well WORTH THE MONEY!!! I've kind of been off of my reading game for a while now(for like 3 weeks), I started writing a book also but I had to stop my life(as much as I could) for the last 5 days and IT WAS WORTH IT! The last book literally had me HOOKED! I couldn't stop reading it. I was zooming past the words to get to the important parts so I could find out what happened. AHHHHH I love Hudson Pierce!

I don't want to get into too much detail about the book other than it is similar to 50 shades of grey in the sense that the main guy has money, the girl is in school(finished anyway) except they BOTH have messed up pasts.

I love how the author even quoted being "50 shades of fucked up."

The book is funny in my opinion. I literally was laughing out loud at some points.

Great read.

Love how it kept me on my toes!

I recommend this to all of my book reading friends but more to my 50 shades lovers!

Monday, May 12, 2014

For Iphone Users

I'm always seeing those ads from MobStub Daily Deals and I've been wanting to purchase the extended iPhone cord but I just haven't. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and decided I was going to order it. 

Heck, why not?

It's only $10 for two of them.


I got them in the other day....


Why is apple not jumping on the board with this? 

Probably because they're the jerks who have us the 2 foot cord to begin with in the first place.

&& This is a 10ft. cord.


I have mine on my bed and it reaches ALL THE WAY ACROSS my bed. 



GO BUY ONE. I promise you won't be sorry.

 Here's the link.

You can thank me later! :)

 MobStub Daily Deal- 10ft. Iphone cord

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tracy Lawrence Concert

If you've never seen Tracy Lawrence in person then you totally need to.


He sounds EXACTLY like he sounds on a cd. He was ahhh-mazing.

I loved that he played early enough that I could go home at a decent hour and go to bed. 

I hate that he played during the middle of the week so I was exhausted the next day at work. 


He was totally worth it.

&& He retweeted my tweet. 

And he played the songs I wanted.

So, as the tweet says, MY LIFE IS COMPLETE.

Thanks for the awesome show Tracy. 

And thanks for reminding me that I am no longer 21 and going out during the week totally kicks my butt the next day.

But it was worth it.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

30% off at Rue 21

Okay Friends, here it is. The coupons that I basically live by. GO. SHOP. THERE.

You won't regret it! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Raging Idiots Concert: The best night of my life.

My first Raging Idiots concert was a complete success(Until I met Bobby). The band consists of National Country Radio DJ Bobby Bones and his Producer Eddie. If you're lucky depending on where they're going, they'll bring along some guests.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the band, they don't make any profit from any of their shows, it is all donated towards a charity of their choice.

After witnessing that we were apart of a $22,000 donation to a pet shelter I realized that may have been the best $20 I could've ever spent.

Not only does it make you feel good to be apart of a making a difference in other lives but you get to enjoy some good music and lot's of laughter. I mean what more can you ask for?

So, while I am there I wish it was my birthday and that I was the one being called on stage like this lucky woman but it was amazing to see him sing to her.

If you're wondering why the night was awesome until I met Bobby, here's why!

I've been listening to his show for about a year and a half now. The first time I heard him I was completely hooked. I was heartbroken when they said they were going off the air for 2 weeks when they decided to make the move to Nashville. I've wanted to call in to the show so many times but kept saying that I will just wait, one day I'll get to talk to them.

When I heard the Raging Idiots were coming to Austin I was ecstatic. I knew that I needed to go meet them. I tweet them from time to time but I doubt they remember who I am. I know they all tweet so many people on a day to day basis.

So in the weeks leading up to the show I kept wondering who will come with them. Besides Cruz, and their guest performers Maggie Rose and Intern Kiano, would Amy, and Lunchbox come?

The day finally comes and we are headed from College Station to Austin to this concert. My boyfriend doesn't listen to the show unless he hears me listening to it but he never just turns it on. So keep in mind he wasn't too thrilled I was dragging him to the show. Normally I would've asked my girlfriends to take a roadtrip with me but I knew they already had plans that weekend. So Blake had to take one for the team and do something he really didn't want to do.

But, it worked out perfect because Graham Central Station is literally like 5 miles from his dad and step-mom's house.

We get to Graham Central Station right at 9:30 and I'm freaking out thinking they've already started and we walk through the door and I can hear them announcing the Raging Idiots. So, I grab my boyfriends arm and drag him towards the stage.

We get some drinks and I'm standing there saying " I can't believe I am here! I can't believe I am seeing Bobby Bones singing LIVE!" My boyfriend just keeps laughing and I can see him loosening up because of course the Raging Idiots are playing some great songs.

Anyway, the concert goes on. It's the best experiencing of my life. I'm standing there singing, laughing, taking pictures, videos and just seriously not believing that I am there witnessing Bobby Bones, my favorite radio DJ ever!!!

When the concert is over they decide to let everyone go get pictures and autographs in the room next door. As the swarm of ants(I mean people) head over, we decide to just get some drinks and hang out until that chaos of a line goes down.

My boyfriends smokes so he asks if we can go outside to smoke. We head out over to the little smoking area designated in the back of the country bar. We are back there for just a bit and right when we walk back in THERE GOES BOBBY BONES!
That was my time to grab him, ask for a selfie, and you know... just be a crazy fan of his.

So, since I missed my chance we go back inside the bar, grab a seat and just talk while enjoying our drinks(and people watching of course).

We wait for about an hour and decide to get into the line to take pictures because it has died down drastically.

As we are getting closer I keep telling myself, I am going to tell Bobby this, and that and ask Cruz for a selfie and give Bobby the chicken wing instead of a handshake and so on!

We get right to the bottom of the steps and there's two girls in front of me who are taking selfies and pictures of Bobby and trying to get a picture of them with Bobby in the background. The cop standing next to us tells them No pictures and that we can only take the picture that KASE 101 is taking of everyone.


There goes my selfie!

We get up there and I'm eyeing Cruz. Mainly because I told him he was cute on twitter recently and I can't help but wonder if he recognizes me. AWKKWARDDDDD! LOL

I walk up to Bobby and I'm so excited to tell him so many things and the only thing that comes out of my mouth was a simple HI!. That's it. Just HI!

They take our picture and I hand my paper to Eddie and tell him and Maggie how awesome they are. Kiano say's thank you for coming, and still all I've said were TWO FREAKING THINGS!

My boyfriend had said hello and introduced himself to everyone, shook hands and so forth and here I was one of their biggest fans of the show and all I could manage was a Hi.

So needless to say meeting Bobby Bones was everything I could've imagined and more(Just wish I could've said more than 5 words). Eddie was super cool too. Maggie was just as beautiful in person than online and I still can't believe that I got to hear her sing!

I was sad that I didn't get to meet Amy, Lunchbox, Nada, Phone girl Sydney and Ray... but I am still hoping to make it out to Nashville one day to visit the show.

These people are not only real about what they say, the things they believe in but also what they are apart of and so forth. They are the perfect role models for others! I'm so glad that I found the Bobby Bones show. My mornings definitely wouldn't be the same

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shopping tips and pointers

Did you know that most places you sign up for their email list you can get money off.

For instance,

Charlotte Russe- Sign up for the email list and you get a coupon for 10% off. Also, right now they have shoes on sale for Buy One Get One for $15.
Their shorts are also on sale for Buy One Get One for $10.

Body Central has it where you sign up for their email list and you get a 15% off coupon. They also have it to where if you sign up for their texting club you get a text about once a week and it's usually a $10 off a $40 purchase.

Wet Seal has a sale going on on their Tops, Shorts, and any one of those and get the other item HALF OFF!

Francesca's is having a 30% off on all of their handbags ONLINE ONLY, TODAY ONLY. Their handbags are SOOO SOO SOO cute. They range anywhere from $40-$70 so 30% off is a good deal.

Last but most CERTAINLY not least...

RUE 21.

Their email club is quite possibly the BEST. I get the best coupons literally for something like every other week. I LOVE IT. They are coupons like get $20 off $40, get $30 off a $70 purchase and so forth. You also can go sometimes and get RUE BUCKS which are like the best thing ever invented.


if you haven't done something like this then what are you waiting for.

I shop so much that I NEED to use coupons on things so that I am not constantly paying full price for things.

These are just a few places that I like to shop at but I am sure that you are a reader of this blog and those are not the places that you like to shop at, go check the stores that you look at online and I can guarantee you that you will have coupons there as well.


Writing my first book

Writing a book is very intimidating. It's almost like I feel like I am being defeated. I don't like it.

Taking the first step is the issue.

I can't seem to figure out where to start.

I know what I want to write about, and I know what I want is a good book as my first.

But, I am feeling defeated and I haven't even started.

I'm not liking this.

I probably need to just suck it up and just start writing.

Heck, who knows where I'll end up with it.

I was watching the first Sex and the City the other day. (You know, the one where Big miscommunicatingly left Carrie at the alter.) Anyway, Carrie was doing research for her next book that she was going to write, and it made me think that maybe I need to do research.



Who on earth wants to do that?

But the way I see it, I'm never going to get anywhere with this book if I don't suck it up and just start writing.

Then, I will have let intimidation win.

And I am not about to let that happen.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Being 25 is not like being 21.

Even though I've been 25 for a whole 7 months now, it never really hits me until I have to do things like pay bills, make adult like decisions, act like an adult, dress like an adult, be mature and all that kind of stuff. So technically I act 25 all the time I just like to try and not remember that I am getting old.


I feel all of 25 when I go out and try and act like I am 21 again.

But the issue with my recent decision in going out was not that I drank like I was 21 but that I stayed out late like I was 18.

That alone causes 2 full days of recovering.

Going out with groups of people and planning it for weeks is NEVER as fun as the random times that just a few of us decide to go out, have a few drinks and dance our butts off!

4 hours out on the town was a freaking adventure.

& a lot more memories, of course.

From riding 3 deep in the front seat but no one in the back, and dancing for a whole hour without stopping....

I am thankful for my friends, our randomness and being able to go out and have a blast without getting completely inebriated.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to NOT burn Cinnamon Rolls

Okay, Here's the deal....

I've recently become slightly more domesticated(Thanks to my new crock pot that Blake got me for Christmas. Pretty sure he was trying to say something.)

By domesticated I mean, that I am no longer on strike from cooking.

(I was on strike because I cooked a meal for the whole neighborhood(total sarcasm) and NO ONE ate it. They(the guys) came home from their games and went to bed or outside to drink and totally disregarded the food. Ugh. BOYS!)


I started out by cooking a charro beans recipe that my sister gave to me. They turned out AWESOME!

The next day I cooked Blake breakfast(in bed) for his birthday.

I completely forgot that I had bought cinnamon rolls so during the week when I found them I thought, "Cool, I can make these sometime soon."

I decided to make them Sunday morning since we had slept in a little and it would be a nice little snack until we decided to get up and maybe get lunch or something.

The rules on how to cook them are pretty simple.

Preheat the oven.
Place rolls on pan.
Cook for 25-29 minutes.
Place icing on top.

BUT, what I didn't know was that I needed to put them in a certain pan.

I put them on the normal cookie sheet instead of in a small round pan.

Needless to say, they came out extra brown, & extra crispy.


Thinking about going back on strike from the whole domesticated thing. Cooking is just NOT for me. Have you ever met a Mexican woman that can't cook?



Here's to not catching the house on fire! :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

The IRS should stand for It's Really Stupid


I called the IRS this morning to make a payment, first I listen to the awful automated system, I enter all of the info it tells me and then I chose my option, (which was) "to pay the bill in full." Then it tells me, due to a high call volume they cannot assist me and that I should call back another time or on the next business day.

Uhm, NO!

First off, don't trick me into choosing that option if you're not even going to help me, then when you tell me you cannot assist me, I call BULL-SHIT!

If I was an idiot and believed that, I would walk away letting you get away with not handling my call, but then when I call back in a few days, you jerks would say I have late fees, or that my payment will not be received on time then there will be late fees, whichever, you will try and pin it back on me yet when I called your automated system says it cannot help me due to high call volume.

I understand that the deadline to file taxes is a week away, but, if your call volume is so high I suggest you get more people to answer the phones during the busier times. DUH!

But, it's a good thing I am smart and decide to call back and choose another option that I feel will get me through. And it does. NOT LIKE IT HELPED ANYWAY!!!

I answer all of the questions the (RUDE) lady asked me, then when she asked who I was I tell her my name.

"Ma,am you are not the person who is associated with this social security number."

WELL NO SHIT! The person on the account is a male and I'm not a male, AM I?

I didn't say that, but I wanted to.

Anyway, the convo goes like this:
Me: "No ma'am, I am not."
The (RUDE) lady: "Well, who is it then?"
Me: My Boyfriend(At this time I am thinking, freaking boyfriend should be my husband, then I would be able to talk to whoever the hell I wanted being his wife and all, but LET'S NOT GET ON THAT SUBJECT!)
The (RUDE) lady: Well, is he not available?
Me: Nope.(Hence, why I am calling and he is not,  duh)... AGAIN, I did not say that, but I wanted to.
The (RUDE) lady: Well he needs to be available to talk to me.

I respond with "Ugh, okay. Bye" and just hang up.

Okay here's the deal...

Yes, it was rude of me to just be like "Ugh, okay" and then hang up. But, two wrongs make a right, right? I needed to be rude because the whole time I wasn't rude, and she was and I wanted to say so much more but I didn't.

Look lady, my boyfriend works, outside, hot or cold... he doesn't have time to call and deal with you rude people. I work at a desk, where a phone happens to be something I am on all day so calling you isn't a big deal, especially when I am able to answer all of the questions correctly. I get you people worry about fraud and blah, blah, blah, but LOOK, it isn't like I am calling about a tax return, I am calling about making a PAYMENT to you people. You'd think you'd be more willing to take my money and help me out.

I am now aware of a few more things,

1. The IRS is stupid. JUST. PLAIN. STUPID.

2. Customer service is NOT meant for everyone, and that lady on the other line is lucky that I didn't write her tax id number down because I'd report her rude self to her boss in a heartbeat.

3. I'm annoyed at the fact that that rude lady has a job when there are actually people out there who WANT to work and who I am pretty certain would be so much nicer than she is, however, she is the one answering the phone and we just have to suck it up and deal with it.

4. It's a good thing they don't let me run things, I'd whip all of these people in to shape. The attitude adjustments would be FIRST ON MY LIST.



Someone get me his phone number!