Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Writing my first book

Writing a book is very intimidating. It's almost like I feel like I am being defeated. I don't like it.

Taking the first step is the issue.

I can't seem to figure out where to start.

I know what I want to write about, and I know what I want is a good book as my first.

But, I am feeling defeated and I haven't even started.

I'm not liking this.

I probably need to just suck it up and just start writing.

Heck, who knows where I'll end up with it.

I was watching the first Sex and the City the other day. (You know, the one where Big miscommunicatingly left Carrie at the alter.) Anyway, Carrie was doing research for her next book that she was going to write, and it made me think that maybe I need to do research.



Who on earth wants to do that?

But the way I see it, I'm never going to get anywhere with this book if I don't suck it up and just start writing.

Then, I will have let intimidation win.

And I am not about to let that happen.

1 comment:

Licha said...

Yes You should write ideas, phrases and later You can arrange thoughts. Once You begin i really think You won't have the defeated or intimidated feeling. Most authors work on a book for a good while and I don't think there's a set time Yo have to finish. Good luck! Wanting to accomplish something is more than half the battle.