Thursday, July 27, 2017

Social Media and Who People Are(Or Aren't)

Social media these days....

I tell you what, it's got people pretending to be everyone they're not.

People are acting happy when they're really not.

People are jealous over other people's lives when they themselves probably already have a good one themselves.

People act like they're someone cool or badass even when really they're scared and non confrontational.

Hell, it's got people pretending they're someone completely different because they're too scared to be who they really are in person.

I just don't get it.

Social media has been around for years.

Yes, we are all wrapped up in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. but who remembers the days of dial up AOL or the AIM chats.

I'm not that old but I am old enough to have been around when computers went from DOS to Windows.

When the green screens in elementary school made a noise everytime you clicked a letter or something on the keyboard.

It's crazy to sit here and think about how much it has evolved in my 28 years of life.

But what I don't understand is why people are so worried about being someone they're not.

Social media should be made for fun.

To share pictures of your life with people you grew up with, played soccer with as a kid or went to your high school prom.

Social media shouldn't be used to talk down to someone.

Social media shouldn't be used to wish your life was someone elses.

And social media DAMN SURE shouldn't be used to hide behind a computer screen, phone or tablet, to pretend someone you're not.

I started this blog years ago to give advice on clothes, shopping, books, etc., and over time it has evolved into more personal things like relationships, dating, love, loss, friendships and life in general.

But one thing you won't see on my blog is me being someone I am not.

I am as honest on here as I am in real life.

What you read here is what you get in person.

Now I know you're proabably thinking, damn, I want to meet her, she seems pretty badass....

And for those of you who haven't met me yet, you're missing out, because I am pretty cool.

But I am me.

I'm loud, I laugh louder, I love my dog, I love myself(and all the selifes I take), I love my family and my friends.

But what I am not is wishing I had your life.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have had some pretty shitty cards dealt my way, but that doesn't ever make me wish, damn I want to be someone else.

No, it makes me damn proud of where I've been and what I have overcome.

And it makes my journey that much more enjoyable because I am being ME!

So, for everyone who is pretending to be someone else, wishing you had someone elses life, or simply just acting not like who you are in real life on social media.... CUT THE SHIT OUT!

There's really no need for it.

No one wants a fake as a friend on social media but someone different in life.

We get it, your house isn't always clean, or your car, and you might not have all the most brand new stuff in life and that's okay... because at the end of the day if you're still laughing(and I mean really laughing, that my stomach hurts kind of laugh) and enjoying life then darlin' that's called living.

So don't get on here and get too wrapped up in what everyone else has and making yourself wishing you had it too....because trust me... those peope aren't all they're cracked up to be. 

So people, let's just be ourselves, and uplift others and be happy and everything else will fall into place. 

Until next time... 

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