I'm not this Christian who goes to church every weekend and I hate to say I've never really read the Bible from beginning to end.
I hear it's a great book.
I need to read it sometime.
But one thing I do every night is say my prayers.
I pray to God and pray to my momma.
And trust me when I say I know they hear me.
Especially my momma.
That woman is still watching over me in her after life.
But anyway, although I say my prayers every night I still need to remind myself to trust in HIM.
I'll repeat myself...
It is something I've been telling myself for a week straight now.
When it comes to the guy I've been seeing, friends who have let me down, the new job I'm trying to land... all things I have a hand in and get so upset when something doesn't go right... I have to trust in his plan.
I can hear myself as a little girl "but mom, why did he lie with me?" Or "mom, why did she not turn out to be the friend I thought she was?"
Because it wasn't in his plan.
Maybe it was his plan to send them my way.
But not for them to stay.
Maybe he wanted me to learn from the breakup and learn from the friendship that there's better ones out there.
People often say God puts people in your life but doesn't mean they're always meant to stay.
And sometimes God puts people in your life that are supposed to stay, but he wants you to sit down and think about who is really meant to. Maybe someone you're over looking.
At 28 years old I'm finally realizing this.
I've lost love.
I've lost friendships.
I've not landed a job I really wanted.
Because it wasn't in his plan.
I needed to learn what losing meant to appreciate winning.
I've needed to really learn it.
And appreciate it.
So while you may be really waiting on something... and some things may work out... and some might not....
Until next time...
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