I headed out on my usual drive to work this morning a little earlier than normal because I'm trying to work on getting to work on time and eventually earlier.
But when I got to a road that I normally take there was a police officer blocking the intersection and diverting traffic.
It made sense since I was headed that way and noticed a lot of cars in a line of traffic but honestly just thought maybe some idiot had blocked the road or something like that.
So then I thought to myself, instead of turning around I will just go another way instead of being stuck in that line of traffic that I had just seen.
The other way is longer but it would probably take me just as long sitting in traffic.
So, I am headed down a road I never take but am familiar with and talking "hands free" to my sister on our usual morning phone call.
I was driving and just talking away, like usual, when I noticed a cop in the middle of the road.
He turned around and I said "hey let me get off the phone this cop just turned around on me."
As soon as I saw him I looked at my speedometer and it said 66mph.
I thought to myself, surely he isn't pulling me over, I'm not even going the speed limit.
So, I kept driving and jamming to the radio.
The cop was behind me but a lane over so I thought he definitely isn't coming to get me.
Well, then he got over turned his lights on and got behind me.
Since I was in the inner left lane I moved over, and then got on the shoulder.
Weirdly, I wasn't nervous at all.
Normally I get super nervous when being pulled over because it can be nerve wrecking dealing with a cop and knowing he is about to give you a big fat ticket that always seems to come at the worst times.
So, I turn my radio down and roll my passenger window down because I had seen him walking up. Well, instead of walking around he stayed at the back of my vehicle and yelled to me "Can you please step out of the vehicle?"
Just freaking great.
This guy is about to jump my ass and I have to stand out on the side of the road in morning traffic as if I did something really wrong.
He then kind of puts his hand on my shoulder and asks I step over to the grass.
Okay, officer are you going to frisk me or what?
He tells me that he has asked me to step behind the vehicle so that we can be on camera.
In my head I am thinking "SERIOUSLY??? Is this what this has come to? A simple stop has come to everything being on video because of cops getting shot, people getting shot, and our world basically falling to shit."
But never once at this time did I feel threatened.
He then told me that me standing behind the vehicle is much safer for the both of us.
I'm not going to lie, I totally agreed with him.
He proceeded to tell me my reasoning for being pulled over which was speeding and asked me if there was any reason for it.
In my opinion there is never a real REAL reason unless it's some type of medical emergency which wasn't the case but I told him that I never go that way and that there had been an accident or possibly road work on my normal morning route and honestly thought that the speed limit was 70 in that area. The officer then told me that I was going over 60 in a 30.
I yelled "30???"
He then laughed and told me he was wrong and that he meant 60.
It was one of those relaxed laughs where he placed his hand on his chest and apologized.
Yes, I said he apologized.
Cops are humans and they too make mistakes.
He asked to see my license and registration at this point.
We walked over to the door on my passenger side and I gave him my information.
He asked where I worked, I told him and he said he was going to take a minute to run my information and if everything came back clear I would be on my way since I was just getting a warning today.
So, he walks back to his car and I am standing in the grass, and out of no where I start laughing OUT LOUD.
I forgot to mention that this cop wasn't bad looking either!
I was thinking about the time that Rachel and Ross got pulled over on Friends and she called him "Officer Handsome."
I laughed and I looked over and he looked up a me and I was sure he heard me.
He walked back over to me and asked me to sign the warning.
I signed it and took the paper from him and he turned towards me, placed his right hand on my shoulder and told me to drive safe.
I thought it was the nicest thing.
I can honestly say that I have never heard a cop tell me to "DRIVE SAFE."
Sometime I feel like cops are just pulling me over to reach their monthly quota.
If that's even a real thing or not.
Some cops are such assholes.
Let's be honest, they are.
But this guy wasn't.
He was even a State Trooper.
Not that that means anything but sometimes they're a little meaner.
But to me he seemed genuinely concerned about my safety and the safety of others.
For the first time I was ever pulled over I wasn't nervous and it stayed that way because of how easy going the officer was.
So, to you Officer J. Jordan of Brazos County Region 2, I just want to say Thank You.
Thank you for reminding me that there are good cops out there, that there are cops who genuinely care about our safety, that not every time someone gets pulled over it has to be something blown out of proportion and making the national news for its negativity. Thank you for walking out of your front door each morning to protect others. You put your life at risk each day because you care about the world we live in and I thank you for that. I probably won't get as lucky to have such a easy going officer next time but I won't forget my short encounter with you.
And don't worry, I'll continue to drive safe! :)